RLCGA's hold various social events. The main one is the Annual Fundraising Beetle Drive and celebratory dinners are arranged occasionally to celebrate significant milestones.
Beetle Drive
This very popular fund-raising event is held at the beginning of each year most recently at Haggs Castle GC. A number of stall holders are present as well as a stall selling or taking orders for County clothing. Over and above this there is a raffle and a silent auction of donated prizes.
The highlight of the day is the hotly contested Beetle Drive with a number of prizes on offer for the most points and fun prizes for the most artistic and/or worst drawn beetle. Like all good social events the afternoon includes a cup of tea and cake.

Selection of photographs from the 2024 Beetle Drive with Captain Liz Stewart presenting the prizes (photos courtesy of Fiona Armour)
Celebratory Dinner
The last dinner was a celebration of RLCGA's 110th Anniversary and was held on 21st March 2019 at Haggs Castle GC. 60 RLCGA ladies, and some guests, had a memorable dinner and were treated to a ‘Welcome’ drink of Prosecco to celebrate their 110th Anniversary. CLICK HERE for a full report on this milestone event as well as the photograph album and video, all courtesy of Carol Fell.

Carol McNally, RLCGA Honorary Secretary (photo courtesy of Carol Fell)
Past Captain's Lunch
On the Friday of the County Championship Final the County Captain and Past Captains are invited to attend a lunch and reminisce before heading out to watch the final.

Photograph of Past Captains' lunch 2023
Left (front to back); Donna Jackson, Gillian Kyle, Jennifer Mack, Aileen Wilson, Sandra Littlejohn
Right (front to back); Honorary President Pearl Orr, Trish Brown, Eileen Gibb, Honorary Life President Wendy Cameron, Gillian McGinlay
(photograph courtesy of Fiona Armour)