Qualification for Membership
To qualify for Ladies/Intermediate/Junior girls membership requires the applicant to have been born, or living in, what is defined by Scottish Golf as Renfrewshire County or be a Member of one of the 24 Golf Clubs situated in Renfrewshire that is affiliated to Scottish Golf.
Those applying for Membership must be a Member of a golf club when applying for Membership and at the renewal date each year.
The Handicap Index limit is 30 for Ladies Membership at the time of application.
Categories of Membership and Fees
There are four levels of membership and associated fees;
- Juniors under 16* - no charge and automatic membership if a member of a Renfrewshire Club
Juniors under 18* - as above
Intermediate Members (aged 18 - 22 years*) - as above regarding no charge and Home Club membership
Ladies Members (23 years* and above) - New Members £45 for first year and £35 for members annual renewal
* age on 1st January of the golfing season subscription period
We also have a number of Honorary Ladies and Non-playing Members.
Annual Subscription Notices
The County golf season is from 1st January to 31st December. Annual subscription notices are emailed out in advance with a payment deadline of 31st December. The annual subscription for members is currently £35. Payment by BACS is preferred although cheques or cash can be accepted.
Application Process for Ladies or Intermediate Membership
The application process to join RLCGA as a Ladies or Intermediate Member is very straight forward and requires you to complete the following application form. Instructions for submitting the form to the Membership Secretary, Sandra Macdougall, and payment of the subscription, are included on the form;
Junior Consent Forms
For new Junior members there are two different Consent forms based on their age that require to be completed;
Privacy Notice
RLCGA has fully embraced the 2018 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) governing the use of members personal data. Our PRIVACY NOTICE outlines what we do with your personal data and how you can make a 'Subject Access' request. Acknowledgement of the Privacy Notice is an intrinsic part of the application process.